I originally wrote this blog in January. Somehow I forgot about it and it's been sitting alone in a word document, until now.
This past year I have learned a lot. I think it is really interesting to sit back and think about the biggest things you have learned in the past 365 days. A year seems to fly by, but it amazes me how much knowledge one can gain and experiences one can have. Here are a few of the things I've learned off the top of my head:
-You have to take chances (even if they make you uncomfortable).
Send that email, go to that seminar, take the hard classes, do what others say can't be done. If you never try you'll never know what could have been. I have taken more chances this year than ever and had more success than ever. Coincidence? I think not.
I have read more books this year than in my entire life. I have learned a ton more about training, nutrition, business, psychology, writing, etc. Here are a few of my favorite authors from the past year
Rippetoe, Remedios, Thibadeau, Berardi, Schuler, Forsythe, Tate, Ferruggia, Covey, Carengie, Nate Green, Ferris, Venuto and Waterbury just to name a few.
-Biotest Spike is addictive. Best energy/focus drink on the market. It would freaking kill Redbull in a fight.
-My EliteFTS shirt appears to say "clitoris" to a client of mine. He was serious.
And I didn't learn this, this year. But It still always applies. Don't forget the basics in life.
-With training: bench, squat, deadlift. Progressive overload.
-With nutrition: Calories in vs. Calories out. Protein, Carbs and Fat (and somtimes Spike). Pre-Peri-Post Workout nutrition.
-With relationships: Open your girlfriend's/fiance's/wife's car door. Call when you say you will. Be on time. Be honest. Give back. Be a man (or woman) of your word.
What are some big things you've learned this year? Let me know in the comments down below.
That proactive mgmt. is always superior to reactive mgmt. and is always less painful in the long run. As a society, we need to be concerned more about preventative measures for our health rather than be blindsided and then have to use reactive measures. I've seen too many people with diabetes to know that I do NOT want to be a slave to all those pills and residual health problems from this very annoying disease. We need to do our part in reducing health costs for our nation.
I rarely get anything out of the Spike drink, BUT the Spike tabs are damn great for me! Any thoughts that is?
Great post Chase.
Ever hear of E town?
Any thoughts why that is...what I meant to say! haha
Time, I'm always on time, most of the time late. And I hate it, something I need to work on! Any tips? Maybe a mini post on this ans works for you, other would be helpful.
@ Anonymous - I couldn't agree more!
@ Dean - Hmmm...I love Spike tabs and the drink. The taste of the shooter is why I prefer it over the tabs. Both get my jacked though. I don't know why their would be a difference. But everything affects people differently.
E-Town...Elizabeth town?
Yeah a time management blog would be good. I used to be horrible. But when your self employeed you have to discipline yourself to be on time.
The above once again I meant to say that I'm late. Hahah, I guess a Spike tab was needed this morning! I do like the tast of the shooter, infact, now I want one today! Hahha, too expensive from 7-11. Online is the way to go. Chase, where do you get your supps?
DPS Nutrition has the best prices I can find.
Yep, that's it, good ol' E Town. My dad is from there, and played bball at Georgetown. I always enjoy going back to KY.
The above once again I meant to say that I'm late. Hahah, I guess a Spike tab was needed this morning! I do like the tast of the shooter, infact, now I want one today! Hahha, too expensive from 7-11. Online is the way to go. Chase, where do you get your supps?
DPS Nutrition has the best prices I can find.
Yep, that's it, good ol' E Town. My dad is from there, and played bball at Georgetown. I always enjoy going back to KY.
@ Dean - I used to use DPS. Now I get some of my supplements for cost from our distributor.
I order Spike from t-nation.
I make my own protein blends from trueprotein.com.
Yeah, Kentucky is a really nice place. And most of us actually wear shoes (unlike some may think, ha).
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