Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Current Training/Nutrition

Lately I have been getting emails and messages from people asking what my current training routine is like. I figured instead of answering everyone individually I would just make a post out of it. My current goals are strength. I just want to get stronger. I just want to keep picking up heavier shit. I am looking at doing another strongman competition this winter OR doing a IPA powerlifting meet in January. I haven’t decided yet. I am almost positive I can set the 198 pound class deadlift record at the meet. The bench and squat are questionable though.

My Current Training Block:

Push Press – 3 sets of 1-5 reps
Military Press – 5 sets of 10 reps
Pull Ups – 5 sets of 10 reps
Drag Curl – 5 sets of 10 reps

Deadlift – 3 sets of 1-5 reps
Deadlift – 5 sets of 10 reps
Rollouts – 5 sets of 15 reps

Power Cleans - 3 sets of 1-5 reps
Bench Press - 3 sets of 1-5 reps
Incline Bench – 5 sets of 10 reps
Blast Strap Row – 5 sets of 10 reps
Dips – 100 reps total
Reverse Curl – 5 sets of 10 reps


Squat - 3 sets of 1-5 reps
Lunges – 5 sets of 10 reps
Good Morning – 5 sets of 10 reps
Hanging Leg Raises – 5 sets of 10 reps

Prowler Sled pushes 2 or 3x’s a week. Battling ropes 1-2x’s a week.

Every workout I begin with a dynamic warm up and foam rolling. I always include a small upper back movement such as a facepull or scarecrow in this portion.

Current nutrition isn’t anything set (however most days look the same). Goals are pretty much maintenance (although I am itching to increase calories to put on some more size-just don’t want any fat gain during the summer months).

Current Nutrition:

Meal 1: Supershake (usually containing calorie countdown chocolate milk, blueberries, strawberries, spinach, vanilla protein, granola, nuts)

Meal 2: Greek yogurt with granola

Meal 3: Turkey and cheese on wheat

Pre Workout: 2 scoops whey hydrosylate with maltodextrin and dextrose with 5g L-Leucine

Peri Workout: 2 scoops whey hydrosylate with maltodextrin and dextrose with 5g L-Leucine

Post Workout: Lean protein with a complex carb

Meal 4: Greek Burger or Tacos (lean beef, whole wheat tortilla, 2% cheese, low fat sour cream)

Meal 5: 2 Scoops Muscle Milk

So there you have. That is my current nutrition and training program. I change my program up every 4 weeks using a block system currently.

What training methods are currently working for you? What’s some of your favorite current meals? Let me know in the comments down below!


Dean said...

Hey Chase,

Looks great man! What do you mean by block training? I have an idea...haha, but not really.

So it looks to me your doing the BIG lifts at the start of your workouts along with low reps for strength, then a few other exercises working with more volume/sets, hypertrophy. Getting the best of both worlds. Cool, cool!

Those roll outs are tuff, I've never done with the bar w/ wts. Only the wheel. How much wt. are you using? I've heard from 1 or 2 plp they hurt their delts doing that, you or your athletes you train have any probs with it? I might add that one in my program.

Like you I've been hitting my Brachi with the reverse cruls, AND those Gironda body drags make my biceps CRY! Good choice of execise.

For summer I'm currently....until mid or end of Sept. performing the basics...the big boy exercises, dips, HBDL, SLDL, standing OH press, db presses, db bench, breathing back squat, lunges, split lunges, chins, one arm db rows along with various tubing exercises.

And I'll throw in some "finishers". Hindu pushups, Hindu squats, bridgeing,, Iron Mind grippers. I also play bball, flexing workouts, jump-roping and PHA training. Workouts lasting 50 mins. or less, Finishers and the various bball, PHA, jump-roping, boxing are all less than 30 mins. high intensity.

for legs I'm using higher reps, 15-25. Low reps never seemed to do much for me.

And for good measure I'm doing foam rolling, cuff work and my Marco Lala stretching routine.

Working on getting 9 hrs. or so of sleep a night. Haha, except for Sat. night. Gotta party it up some during summer.

Eating right now is low starchy carbs, which I take in after my workouts, high with fibrous carbs, low in fat, high in good fat, high protein. I eat when I'm hungry, listening to ones body is vital.

Sorry to rant, but my passion for training is GREAT!

Danny said...

Nice setup Chase,

It look similar to Wendler 5/3/1 program..Are you using it for the big lift??


Chase Karnes said...


I just plan out my training in 4 week blocks. So I will do something for 4 weeks then switch it up. Nothing too complex.

I use an ab wheel for rollouts most of the time. When I have used a bar I used around 35 pounds. I haven't had any shoulder problems with myself or clients from them. I've never even heard of that honestly.

Your program and nutrition are looking pretty solid. I've been lucky my legs grow from lower reps. I hate those high reps squats...they are a bitch.

Good luck with your training and hitting your goals man.

Chase Karnes said...


You are correct. My current training is based loosely off the 5-3-1 program.

Are you currently using Wendler's 5-3-1 program?


Danny said...

Yes im on the 5/3/1 ,i like your setup i might do something very similar..Do you have a video of you doing Push Press, im also doing push press but my pr is 135x5..maybe im not using enough leg drive...any tips for us(well for me!!)...thanks!!

Chase Karnes said...


The templates in 5-3-1 are definitely not bad. But I've been in the game long enough I feel fine mixing stuff up. Give it a try if you get a chance. Let me know what you think.

I don't have any of push press right now. Here is my log push press (first of video). They look very similar to my push press. (My push press is almost a push jerk by the way)

Tips: Practice your technique with a very light weight and practice often. Repetition is the mother of skill.

Think about sitting into a front squat, minimize time between transition, JUMP and press. Think explosive.

Focus on pushing the weight straight up. Not out and up.

Chase Karnes said...

Here's the video. Forgot to post it:

Danny said...

Chases, been folllowing your template this week, well did the push press day, then deadlift....5x10 with a dead start is a killer!!

Blast Strap Row ? Same as Trx Strap Row???

Chase Karnes said...

@ Danny - Yes, it is killer!

Yes, Blast Straps are very similar to TRX Straps.

Danny said...

Chases, Are you delaoding every 4th weeks(5/3/1)..that my big issue with the 5/3/1..low volume and one deload week every month...I previously deload every 12weeks,then 7 to 10days off or low volume! What do you think?

Chase Karnes said...


This is the first time I have deloaded this often. So far I like it. By the end of a deload week I am ready to pick up some heavy shit.

During my deload weeks I only deload on the main lifts. I keep everything else the same.

If I remember correctly Jim say's the program can be done without the deload. So you could do 2,3,4 etc. cycles without deloads then throw one in. Just an idea.