Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The "Golden Era"

I first entered the Iron Game back as a 8th grader inspired by the old black and white images of the likes of Arnold, Frank Zane, Franco Columbo, etc. I wanted to look like that. Many years have passed since I first stepped foot in the weight room as a 135 pound 8th grader. I originally wanted to be as big as possible. Like most, my idea of what I wanted to look like changed over the years. Even though I have dabbled in bodybuilding I have no intentions of ever trying to go to the next level. I do it because I like to compete. The same reasons I also compete in powerlifting and strongman. Bodybuilding today is almost becoming a freak show. I admire the physiques of today’s top bodybuilders and I know the hard work and dedication they have put into their bodies. That doesn’t mean I want to do the same. I like bodybuilding like it was back in the “Golden Era”. Back when bodybuilders where strong, athletic and had great looking physiques. Honestly, my current goals resemble that of the “Golden Era” bodybuilders. I want to not only look strong, but be strong. I don’t want to look like a freak; I want to look like an athlete. I guess what actually inspired this post was a quote I came across while looking through a book called “Pumping Iron: The Art and Sport of Bodybuilding”. This book is a classic and even has a note in it reading:

Merry Christmas! 1977

To: Billy

From: Griff

Talk about a true classic. A client of mine picked this book up for me at a yard sale. I looked it up online and saw it for sale for $125.00. Wow!

The quote that inspired this post is from “Pumping Iron: The Art and Sport of Bodybuilding”:

“Like one time I was on the beach here and a girl was with a guy. She says, ‘Look, This body. What a nice body this man has.’ I says, ‘Thank you very much.’ And the guy says, ‘Ahhhh. It’s just weak. Weak muscles.’ I went to him and I say, ‘Why you say that?’ I say. ‘I’m stronger than you. I can show it to you. I can lift something and show you I’m much stronger than you. And I can also do athletic stuff. But you can’t do it.’ I said, ‘Let’s go to the platform and ill show you.’ And then he started getting upset. He says, ‘Yeah? I’ll beat the shit out of you.’ He said it. So I grabbed him by the neck. I said, ‘Listen. Never say this again in your life.’ So then his girlfriend says, ‘Okay, Okay. Now you can leave him alone.” - Franco Columbu

I guarantee you Franco not only looked strong, he was strong. He trained like a athlete, powerlifter, bodybuilder, Olympic weight lifter and strongman competitor. He trained like that because he has competed in powerlifting, bodybuilding, Olympic weight lifting and strongman, even holding powerlifting and Olympic weight lifting world records. As most know he even held the title of Mr. Olympia a couple times.

So in essence I guess this post is a sort of tribute to Franco Columbu. He is definitely an inspiration to me and the way I train. Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. You don’t have to train for just one specific thing. It doesn’t have to be bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc. It can be what you want. I think we all share a love for the Iron Game. I am passionate about lifting weights and everything that comes with the territory, not one specific “sport” of lifting.

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