Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Confession

I have a confession to make. The class I have left to take to graduate from college is one of the first classes you are supposed to take, College Algebra. You see I pretty much continued to put this class off from the beginning of my college career. Why you may ask? Well, I always thought I wasn’t good at math. Math seemed overwhelming and just plain pissed me off at times.

My Former Attitude to the Thought of Doing Algebra

So like most I avoided what I didn’t like and didn’t think I was good at. After years of studying exercise science, business, motivation, psychology I have learned an important lesson. If you think you are bad at something you are more than likely not going to put forth effort and you will be bad at it. On the same note if you go into it with the mentality that you are good at it you will be surprised in the outcome. I just took my first test in the class and got an 88. Definitely not a perfect score, but then again not bad for someone who “isn’t good at math”. As corny as it may sound to some positive self talk works. I tell myself I enjoy math and I am good at it. And gosh damn it, it works. I have found myself enjoying the process of figuring out the algebra problems. Another thing I have done is made a goal to set aside one hour a day to work on algebra. It is amazing how much you can accomplish and learn in one hour. So for anyone who has something they want to accomplish, big or small remember the importance of positive self talk and putting forth time and effort. You may be surprised at what you can do.


Sam Luker said...

Funny you mention this subject. I went through about 3 different math tutors on the way to getting my degree, and this was all for the basic looow, wear your helment and get out your coloring book math. It does have a way of eventually getting itself done. Funny thing is for as long as Ive trained I still cant look at a bar and tell exactly whats on it half the time.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Chase.


Chase Karnes said...

@ Sam: I think we had 'tard math together at PCC back in the day. Also, When you are moving as much weight as you are its hard to count that high.

@ Nate: Thanks man, I appreciate it.