Friday, August 7, 2009

Kicking It Old School - The Diet

Recently I have begun cleaning and packing to move to our new house. During this time I came across a ton of old workout and nutrition journals. Let’s take a peak into what I was doing during one of the phases in which I gained the most muscle.

For those of you who don’t know I began weight training seriously in 8th grade. That was over 10 years ago. During that time I haven’t taken over a couple planned weeks a year off from training. In that time I managed to take myself from a bodyweight of 135 pounds to the heaviest weight of 205 (a little too much fat). I am currently hanging out around 190.

Keep in mind this meal plan isn’t what I would currently recommend for my clients or anyone looking to gain muscle. This is what I used to take my body weight from 135-185 during high school though. Given everyday wasn’t the same and I learned more each year about nutrition. This was from my junior year and this page was taken when I weighed 155 pounds. I began my junior year at 155 and began my senior year at 171. So this was roughly 4 months into my junior year right after football season ended.

Tuesday: 12-11-01


1 Cup Oatmeal
2 Eggs
Carnation instant breakfast in 16 oz. milk

8:00am (lifting and conditioning – Lower Body)


2 Scoops Protein in 16 oz. milk


2 Scoops Protein Shake in 16 oz. milk
Balance Bar

Two Big ham sandwiches (wheat bread + cheese)
32 oz. milk

2 slices pizza
3 Yogurts
16 oz. Milk

Steak and Baked Potato and Salad

Drink 64 oz. Milk in time frame

Can of Tuna

As you can see that is a lot of food and over a gallon of milk. Was it perfect? Hell no. There are no fruits or vegetables except the salad with dinner (I am actually surprised to see that). There are definitely better ways to gain muscle. However most people hit the gym hard and wonder why they aren’t getting any bigger. They aren’t eating. You have to eat and eat big to get big.

Stay tuned to what my training looked like during this time as well.

What did your nutritional approach look like when you began training? Has it changed much since then? Let me know in the comments!


Rob Sinnott, MS, CSCS said...
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Rob Sinnott, MS, CSCS said...

Football coaches wanted me at 215 by senior year, which would be fine if I didn't start high school at 120. My goal was to look into protein shakes and bring and buy my lunch.
It worked out well since I would eat one lunch while the lines were long and then pound the bought lunch afterwards. I had several flaws... not enough fruits or veggies, veggies were in serious deficit.
After gaining some useless weight, I picked up wrestling and got into a ton better shape which then helped my football career. I also got my weight up to 198 by the beginning of senior year so that helped.

Two degrees later I have learned to space out my meals, eat most of my carbs before 3pm to fuel my day of activity and work out, focus on vegetables that are easy to make and eat quickly-- carrots, green beans, broccoli. I don't really need too much flavor and I don't mind eating the same thing every day.
Cheating on your meal plan is the best relationship to have... cheat one meal, once a week so you can look forward to your reward of that meal and then be done with it.

I have noticed preferring healthier foods after sticking with them for a period of time, which helps me avoid wasted calories.

Good post, congrats on the house.

Chase Karnes said...


Damn football coaches. Same reason I began my journey...coaches said I was "too small".

I like your "double lunch" approach for skinny ectos for sure.

I agree on your preference for healthy foods. It is funny how the taste buds change. I still love my pizza though.

Thanks for the congrats!

On a side note:
I have a client that is going to be training at your facility this fall I believe. He just moved up last week. Former wrestler.

sandeld said...

Nutrition? In high school? Haha. That didn't exist until college, and hasn't been perfected until recently....13 years after I started lifting.