Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hit a new Deadlift PR!

Step 1. Pick a day you want to attempt your new PR. Now take about a week off of training before that day.

Step 2. Take time each day to think about the lift. Mentally rehearse pulling the weight. Think about the smell of your gym, the sound of Pantera blasting from the speakers, the way the bar feels in your chalky hands. Picture yourself in your mind pulling the weight (you’re new PR) and how it feels. Its heavy but it breaks off the floor and you lock it out with ease.

Step 3. The day before increase your carbohydrates especially in the evening. The day of eat a large breakfast and keep your carbohydrates high through the day until its time to lift.

Step 4. Chug a Spike about 30 minutes before hand. Start sipping on a protein/carb mix such as Surge or Organic fat free chocolate milk. Mentally rehearse the lift over and over.

Step 5. Foam roll your quads/hip flexors, low back, upper back and hit some thoracic extension.

Step 6. Perform a basic dynamic warm up and be sure to include:
- Static hip flexor stretch
- Glute bridges
- KB swings
- Face pulls
- Perform some jump squats or vertical jumps. Explosive as possible for 3x3.

Step 7. Warm-up (lets pretend your previous 1RM is 300 pounds)
Warm-up set 1: bar with training plates if possible x 8-10 — feel the groove
Warm-up set 2: 135 x 5
Warm-up set 3: 185 x 3
Warm-up set 4: 225 x 1
Warm-up set 5: 265 x 1

PR Attempt: 310 x 1!

Step 8. Congrats you pulled a PR. Now skip the fist bump and grab a beer!

These recommendations are for educational purposes only. I advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don’t try this if you do not know how to properly deadlift and have experience. I am not responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information.


Rob Sinnott, MS, CSCS said...

Sweet info and video bro. I have been doing deadlift weekly for about 4 weeks and got 455 for 6 today while listening to "blind" by korn, of course.

stay huge

Chase Karnes said...


That is a pretty solid deadlift man. Congrats!

That song always gets me fired up!