Thursday, January 21, 2010

Basic Shoulder Warm Up

If you are looking for a simple, effective shoulder warm up I have found the one above to work great. Use it after your normal warm up routine. I always use this warm up after my dynamic warm up/foam rolling. I have bench pressed 360 pounds (raw), log pressed 300, push pressed 285 and my shoulders have remained healthy and feel great. Use very light weight and perform 1 x 10 reps on each movement in a controlled fashion. By the end your shoulders will be good to go and ready for some heavy pressing, etc.

To re-cap:
A1. DB lateral raises x 10
A2. DB front raises x 10
A3. Scaption x 10
A4. DB shrugs x 10
A5. Face pulls x 10

Go through without resting between each movement. Use light weight. I use a 5 lb DB for the raises/scaption, 30 lb DBs on shrugs and 30 for face pulls.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


Rearick Strength Systems said...

great progression I'll be trying it today before my workout

Chase Karnes said...

You give it a try?

eddyanderson AT said...


I used this exact warm today to limber my shoulders up before a pull session.

I personally think its great and will be using it again after my foam rolling and warm ups on my push and pull days, probably alongside the shoulder capsule stretchs and some band pull aparts.

Thanks, Ed :)

Chase Karnes said...

@ Eddy -

Awesome man! Glad you liked it.