Friday, January 22, 2010

Lunch Break Training

The video above is a little footage from todays training session. If you want to see the journal from the whole session click here.

On a side note, I got an invited to compete in a strongman competition next Saturday in Memphis, TN. It is apparently at a CrossFit gym that is having a grand opening. As of now I plan on going and it should be a good time!


Rearick Strength Systems said...

Awesome workout Chase

Chase Karnes said...

@ Brendon - Thanks man!

Rob Sinnott, MS, CSCS said...

been thinking more about competing in strongman, good luck at your comp. looking forward to the videos

Chase Karnes said...

@ Rob - You should give it a shot man! There will be some up your way this spring. There is one up in Ohio with some really good weights for a first timer in May.

Thanks man!

Brandon Richey said...

Chase, I like the blog man! I am a strength and conditioning specialist and center a lot of my training around kettlebells along with my martial arts. You are doing great work with your blog. As one strength and fitness professional to another I would like to invite you over to my blog. I'll be hitting the follow tag on yours as I speak! Look forward to hearing from you.

Chase Karnes said...

@ Brandon - Thanks man. I'll check it out. Also, this is my old blog site. The new site is: