Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Little Rant

FUNCTIONAL??? Maybe if your sport is played on the MOON.

I am not an angry person and I don't complain about much at all. I did feel the need to rant about a few things though.

• I was logging my food into Fitday.com yesterday (yeah, I know kind of nerdy) and something came to my surprise. When I searched strawberries a few options came up. The first was “strawberries, raw”. The second was “strawberries, with sugar”. WITH SUGAR??? Why in the heck is that an option? So you are telling me strawberries (one of Mother Nature’s candies) actually need sugar? Wow…

• What is it with guys and their lifting straps. I understand the purpose of straps (to use more weight than your grip can handle) and would be lying if I said I didn’t use them from time to time. However; Do you really need them on your lateral raises, dude? Come on…just strengthen your grip a little.

• You know that guy (or girl) you see in the gym week after week, month after month, year after year and they look the same? You want to know what their problem is? Given their training program probably isn’t the best their DIET is the culprit to their lack of progress.

• If you get your diet and training advice from Oprah do me a favor and look at her. Has she done any remarkable body composition changes in the past X number of years? No? I didn’t think so. Then why would you buy “Insert Title of Diet Book” or “Insert Title of Exercise Book” that she recommends?

• Gyms that don’t allow chalk? I don’t understand this. At our facility chalk is a requirement. I have had boys and girls, men and women between the ages of 6 and 72 “chalk up”. Sweaty palms can’t hang on to “real weight".

• “Functional Training” has gotten way out of hand. Having someone balance on a Bosu ball while they curl a dumbbell in one hand and press a medicine ball in the other is just stupid. They look like an asshat doing it and whoever told them to do this must be an asshat. The only thing “functional” about this is if by chance you find yourself trying to get your bags of groceries onto the kitchen counter during a earthquake.



End Rant.

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