Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ladies, does this sound like you?


Ladies, does this sound like you?

“I eat healthy all the time…”


“…I’m still (insert # of lbs) overweight.”

I have heard the above many times before. I do believe that most of the people who say this are telling the truth. I believe they are eating the right foods yet are still not losing weight. This may sound crazy so far. You are probably thinking, “If someone is eating healthy foods there is no way they could still be overweight”.

Well it is very possible. You see weight loss is a very simple process (believe it or not). If you eat less calories than you burn you lose weight. If you eat the same amount of calories you burn you maintain your weight. If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight. This is the “law of thermodynamics”.

To further illustrate my point from above I want to give you an example. When I am trying to gain lean muscle mass (weight) I eat more calories than I am burning. I am in a calorie surplus. I still eat the same healthy foods I recommend for someone trying to lose weight or even maintain their weight. The only difference is I eat more of the healthy foods. I eat large portions and create a surplus of calories. So I am gaining weight and eating healthy. When I am trying to lose some body fat I eat the same healthy foods. I cut back on the portions and create a calorie deficit. So I am now losing weight and eating healthy. So as you can see healthy foods can cause someone to gain weight, lose weight or maintain weight.

It is not the food that is causing you not to lose weight, it is your calories. If you are maintaining your current weight your in a calorie balance. So how can you easily cut back on these portions?

• Don’t let your husband’s (or boyfriend, fiancé, etc.) portions impact yours. You don’t need the same amount of food as he does, unless of course you want to weigh what he does.

• When you eat out box up half of your meal before you begin to eat to eat at a later time. You then have 2 meals for the price of 1 and you have kept your portions and calories in control.

• Another simple trick is using a different size plate than your husband (or boyfriend, fiancé, etc.). He uses a larger one while you use a smaller one. You can then fill both plates with food without yours looking empty and sad. And best of all you have decreased your portions and calories.

Hopefully you now understand why some people can’t seem to lose weight even if they eat perfectly healthy all the time. It isn’t rocket science, its basic math. I am sorry to break it to you but no one can outsmart the “law of thermodynamics”. If there isn’t a calorie deficit created you will not lose weight. So if you are in this position use the tips from above to decrease your calories and watch the body fat start dropping again.

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