Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Years Resolutions

As the clocked ticked down the final minutes of 2008 I’m sure many of you thought about the last year in retrospect. You may have asked yourself: “How did this year fly by so fast?”, “Why didn’t I accomplish my last years resolution of ___________? “, “Why am I 10 lbs heavier this year than last?”. Then the retrospective view turns into a self improvement and annual ritual of making resolutions. Many people do this and it is fine if it works for you. People swear to themselves that “This is the year that ______”. Everyone wants to transform their lives and better themselves. People want to lose weight, get a better job, make more money, etc. Over this next week millions of people will evaluate their lives and what they want their resolutions to be. They will make their resolutions (many already have) and sadly many will fail (most probably already have). Now, let me let you in on a little secret. I do not like New Years resolutions nor do I make them. Instead I set goals. The goals may be short term and some long term but all are for the next year. I evaluate my life and break it down to different categories. For me personally they are similar to: Health and fitness goals, nutrition goals, business goals, relationship goals, education goals, personal goals, and financial goals. Once I establish these headings I then come up with my goals for each heading. Some may have only one and some may have 4 or five. I write these goals down. When writing something of this nature down it makes it more “concrete” and you are more likely to remember and work towards them. After I write my goals out I decide my plan of action. Goals just don’t obtain themselves. They all take steps, some big and some small, but you have to take some action. Figure out what steps it will take to reach your destination. You wouldn't get in your car and start driving to a destination without planning your route first. So what makes you think you can reach a goal without proper planning first? Put all you have into these endeavors, stay positive and look at them often. You may be surprised when you realize how many of these will happen if you put your mind to it.

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