Thursday, October 8, 2009


I remember the first time I heard this speech way back in high school. It was one of those things that you just don't forget. It gave me chills then and still does. I have listened to this probably 100 times since. Want to get fired up before a training session? Before a big game? Or just to get your ass motivated?

Then listen to this:


Jonathan said...

I had to search for a transcript of this video as I had a difficulty understanding Al's "froggy" voice. It's a bleak look on life, but I can see how it's motivating.

What do I do to motivate myself? I think about what I could gain if I just went ahead and did what I want to do and how much more that will do for me than if I were to not bother with the task at all.

I mean, life is short. It ticks faster than you would ever expect. I was harshly reminded of this when my mother had a massive stroke that left her very debilitated which she worked hard to overcome. I was also reminded of this when my friend died at 28 years of age last January from the same thing that my Mom had. Why did Mom, who is much older than my friend, survive, while my friend didn't? Was it that the location of the brain aneurysm one inch away that made a difference? I don't know.

So, I never know how much I have left in life and I wish to live it as little regrets as possible.

With that in mind, I'm going to head off to the gym despite my cold.

Chase Karnes said...

@ Jonathan - It is a motivator but definitely not my main one. Just a little kick in the ass while remembering the fire you feel before a football game.

Man, you have motivation down. That's what it's all about.

No, "What if's?" or "I Wish".

It is very short. I'm sorry to hear about your mother but just seeing her motivation to overcome has to be very empowering to you and those around her.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. All we can hope is they lived their life to the fullest.

No regrets sums it up.

Stay Strong.